by Ray Arebalo | Apr 13, 2011 | Education, Featured Articles, Local News, Special Events
¡Están Invitados! a la Celebración “En Búsqueda de la Excelencia” LEON-Dublin School Reconocimiento de Estudiantes Latinos You are invited! To the Celebration “In search of Excellence” The LEON-Dublin City Schools Latino Student Leadership Award Ven y comparte los...
by Ray Arebalo | Feb 10, 2011 | Education, Featured Articles, Local News
This brochure will help you and your students successfully navigate the education process for grades K-12 in central Ohio. The information was compiled by the Latino Empowerment and Outreach Network (LEON) Education Committee.
by Ray Arebalo | Apr 27, 2010 | Communications, Education, Featured Articles, Job Listings
This curriculum would then be delivered as a part of the Latino Health Connector program which is a collaboration between the Physicians Free Clinic/Voluntary Care Network, the Ohio Hispanic Coalition, and LEON. Last day to apply is May, 14th Job Title:...
by Ray Arebalo | Apr 5, 2010 | Education, Featured Articles
Latino Empowerment Outreach Network: Tax ID #: 34-2029849 To Whom It May Concern: PDF Downlaod: LEON & Dublin Latino Student Leadership Awards The Latino Empowerment Outreach Network (LEON) is a collaboration of agencies, professionals, and advocates dedicated to...
by Ray Arebalo | Mar 24, 2010 | Education
In attendance: Magaly Vázquez (Chair) Laura Rodríguez (Big Brothers Big Sisters) Elizabeth Martínez (Big Brothers Big Sisters) Angela Johnston (Columbus Diocese of Columbus) Brandi Young-Sharp (Advanced Language Access) María Bonachea (Southwestern City Schools) Dolly...